Roger Scruton Memorial Lectures Oxford

This inaugural series of free public lectures will honour Roger's legacy by inviting eminent public intellectuals to speak on four topics within an overarching theme.

Each lecture will be held at the Sheldonian Theatre in Oxford, UK.

Doors open at 4:30 pm, and the lectures begin at 5 pm.

Niall Ferguson on the Future of the Anglosphere

18 OCTOBER, 2021 

Niall Ferguson is the Milbank Family Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, and a senior faculty fellow of the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard. He is the author of many bestselling books and his most recent, ‘Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe,’ was published by Penguin Press on May 4 2021.

Tom Holland on Puritanism and Iconoclasm

20 OCTOBER, 2021

Tom Holland is an award-winning historian, biographer and broadcaster. He is the author of many bestselling books and his most recent, ‘Dominion: The Making of the Western Mind,’ was published in 2019 by Little, Brown.

Marwa Al-Sabouni on Beauty and Home

25 OCTOBER, 2021

Marwa Al-Sabouni is a critically acclaimed architect and the author of ‘The Battle for Home: Memoir of a Syrian Architect’ (2016) and ‘Building for Hope: Towards and Architecture of Belonging’ (2021), both published by Thames & Hudson.

Jonathan Sumption on Democracy

27 OCTOBER, 2021 

Jonathan Sumption is a renowned historian and former Justice of the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom. Four instalments of his critically acclaimed history of the Hundred Years’ War have been published between 1990 and 2015, all by Faber & Faber.



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