Scrutopia Summer School 2020

Now running for a fourth year, the Scrutopia summer school offers a ten-day immersion experience in the philosophy and outlook of Sir Roger Scruton, the British writer and philosopher who has inspired many searching people to believe in Western civilisation and its legacy. The course of study, which will take place in and around Sir Roger's home near historic Malmesbury in the Cotswolds, from Wednesday 29th July through until Friday 7th August 2020. Residents will be housed in the Royal Agricultural University in nearby Cirencester, a charming Victorian Gothic college that provides comfortable accommodation and excellent food. Each day will begin with a talk followed by a discussion and the evenings will involve concerts, readings, or further discussion over wine. Provisional topics include the nature of philosophy, why beauty matters, freedom and oppression, why music matters, home and belonging, the fading of tradition and understanding wine.

The aim is to assemble a group of around 25 committed people, with a shared interest in culture and in all that is involved in passing it on. The course will consider all aspects of Sir Roger’s philosophy with sessions lead by guest speakers, visits to local areas of interest and events at Sundey Hill Farm, home to Sir Roger and Sophie Scruton. The programme has not yet been finalised, but to give you a flavour of the experience, I invite you to watch our 2019 Summer School video: 

The fee for the course will be £3,000 to cover board and lodging and all other costs, apart from travel to and from the event, which will be the responsibility of each participant. We will close the list of participants when we have twenty firm commitments, who have paid the deposit of £250 necessary to secure a place on the course. 

Nicolas Bartulovic was a first year Scrutopia Summer and has written an obituary -  The Gratitude of a Lover of Wisdom 

To register your interest please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



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