12th Dec - Stanton Lectures in the Faculty of Divinity in the University of Cambridge
Monday, 12 December 2011 12:05
This last term I have been delivering the Stanton Lectures in the Faculty of Divinity in the University of Cambridge. These lectures were devoted to the theme of 'Looking for God', and video and audio recordings are available on the Divinity Faculty web-site. I am writing up the lectures at the moment, though as yet have no publication plans. The Gifford lectures on The Face of God, which I delivered in St Andrews in 2010, will be published in the spring by Continuum.
The lectures were delivered weekly under the following titles:
10 October: Looking for God
17 October: Looking for people
24 October: Looking at the brain
31 October: Looking at the face
7 November: Facing each other
14 November: Facing the world
21 November: Hearing music
28 November: The music of the spheres
Monday, 12 December 2011 12:03
Meanwhile Green Philosophy is appearing in the New Year from Atlantic Books in Britain, and at the beginning of June from Oxford University Press in New York. This book promises to get a certain amount of coverage, since it defends the controversial thesis that conservation and conservatism might be connected in some way. I shall be speaking about the book in discussion with Matthew Taylor at the Royal Society of Arts on the evening of 18th January. I Drink Therefore I Am, which was published by Continuum in 2009 has appeared in French, Italian, German, Korean, Portuguese and Polish, and the Hungarian edition has also now been issued (Akadémiai kiádo, Budapest). I hope to be present for a publication party in Budapest at the end of January.
Monday, 12 December 2011 12:02
Following a productive 2 years at the American Enterprise Institute, I have now moved to the Ethics and Public Policy Centre (January 2013).
Graduate Class in the Philosophy Department at Oxford University
Monday, 12 December 2011 11:58
Next term (Hilary) I shall be conducting a graduate class in the Philosophy Department at Oxford University, devoted to aesthetics, and at the end of March I go to St Andrews, for my yearly stint as a part-time Research Professor in Philosophy. During my time there I shall deliver a talk on philosophy and contemporary architecture to The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland, on 22nd March at 6 p.m. in Adelaide's, 209 Bath Street, Glasgow.