On Human Nature

"Finely written, compactly argued."--James Ryerson, New York Times Book Review

"Roger Scruton’s On Human Nature . . . gives a brief, poetic account of a way of thinking about ourselves that many of us, especially with a background in the humanities, will find congenial."--Adam Zeman, Standpoint

"I admire Roger Scruton's stance and I admire his writing. In this short book, he raises and discusses deeply important issues about the human world."--Simon Blackburn, author of Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy

"A tour de force, this book presents an original and important view of human nature."--Anthony O'Hear, University of Buckingham

“On Human Nature is a tour de force of a rare kind. In clear, elegant prose it makes large claims in metaphysics, morals and, by implication, politics.” – The Economist

Fools Frauds and Firebrands

"Outstanding and very necessary" Laetitia Strauch - Standpoint 

"Unlike many conservatives, Scruton isn’t merely a debunker, but offers a way out of Marxism." Ron Capshaw - National Review

"“He neither ridicules nor abuses the writers he considers; he patiently deconstructs them, first explaining their work in terms they themselves would recognise and then laying bare their warped assumptions and empty pretentions." Barton Swaim - Wall Street Journal

 "Scruton is brilliant at the patient demolition, in sorrowful yet witty tones, of wobbly conceptual edifices. Yet the zingier, more knockabout new title promises more fury than the book supplies." Steven Poole - The Guardian

"Scruton's stylish writing and his knowledge and passion for his subject make this an entertaining read." Patricia Duffaud The Book Bag

“…he largely sets aside constructive philosophical work in order to dismantle the dismantlers. This he does with rhetorical vigor and flair, and though he often paints with the broadest of brushes and does not always make the distinctions perfect fairness would call for, his critique is a powerful one indeed.” Alan Jacobs, The American Conservative

“Scruton’s book is not the dispassionate examination and measured assessment of philosophical arguments typical of analytic philosophers. It is a polemical dissection and indictment of the perceived destructive aims and tactics of the left.” —Samuel Freeman, The New York Review of Books

The Disappeared

"Your new novel is beautiful. It is one of your best books; perhaps the very best..

The Disappeared is an apparently straightforward title for his new novel. But the writer and philosopher Roger Scruton has created a radiantly beautiful aesthetic whole in which there is even more going on than initially meets the mind’s eye." - Chris Morrissey, The B.C. Catholic 

"beautiful and dramactic prose..the author describes the clash of cultures, in this case of mainly Afghan migrants living in Britain, rather brilliantly.” - Julie Bindel- Standpoint

"Roger Scruton's 'The Disappeared'. One of those novels you want everyone to read. At once. Now.."· Tweeted by Whnn Wheldon 

“ It’s a gripping, disturbing narrative…” Douglas Murray – The Spectator

“An intelligent, intricate novel” Kate Saunders -  The Times

"Scruton shows us how to see beyond stereotypes to a point where you accept that most people are worthy of salvation. While it may not be so easy to love your enemies, Scruton shows that understanding them is the first step along the path of true love" Dr Mark Dooley - Irish Daily Mail

“This is a 'different' type of mystery storytelling --Political --Personal -- Pivotal!” - Goodreads 

“The topics covered in this novel are not for the faint-hearted”

 “ somewhat harrowing story”

 “with all of the challenges and potent pitfalls is richly described”

“This story will definitely stay with me for some time” “It was a powerful story, and well written”

“People talk about stories being "ripped from the headlines", and this one really is.”

“Scruton masterfully wove three seemingly unconnected stories together.”

 “this novel wins because it is brave and exhilarating and never loses sight of an essential humanity that transcends all cultures and persists through the most horrific abuses and privations.”

Listen to Roger talking to Richard Reinsch about The Disappeared on a podcast.

How to Be a Conservative

“Roger Scruton is that rarest of things: a first-rate philosopher who actually has a philosophy…one of the few intellectually authoritative voices in modern British conservatism” – Jesse Norman, The Spectator

'funnily audacious' Tim Stanley - The Telegraph

“Roger Scruton is one of our great men of speculation” – David Willetts, Standpoint

“A persuasive and poignant little book” – Ferdinand Mount, The Oldie

“Elegantly written and thought-provoking ... I loved this book, especially the way it seems to be aimed as much at the heart as the mind. On both it has a cleansing effect , the equivalent of eating a tart lemon sorbet” – Nigel Farndale, Country Life


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