Europe at a Crossroads: The Virtue of Nationalism


Europe at a Crossroads
Streamed live on 13 May 2019
Three decades after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Europe is once again at a crossroads. In the years since its creation, the European Union has become increasingly hostile to national identity and cultural uniqueness. Instead, the EU has opted to promote uniformity and impose decisions by fiat. That shift has proved unpopular throughout the Union: From the UK to Italy to Eastern Europe, Europe is searching for an alternative to the status quo.

The Ontology of Love, Panel Discussion April 19

The Ontology of Love - Conference - 26-27 April 2019

Douglas Murray and Roger Scruton in Conversation

Douglas Murray: In conversation with Roger Scruton
Hosted by Spectator Events on Tuesday 7th May 2019.


'The Crisis of Liberty in the West' - Acton Institute, December 16

The Crisis of Liberty in the West
Thu, Dec 1 from 10:00am - 5:30pm - Politics & Society
The West today is in a state of crisis. Facing immense domestic economic and political problems, North America, Europe, and other Western nations are also struggling to address existential threats from without. But above all, the West appears to be suffering from a crisis of self-belief: one which touches centrally upon its attachment to the tradition of ordered liberty in politics, freedom in the economy, strong civil societies, and, perhaps above all, the unique synthesis of faith and reason that is at the root of Western civilization.

"The Idea of a Secular Society" The Benedictus Trust (Jun 15)

It is possible to have a secular society?

The theme of the Conference was Continuity, Challenge or Change? European Cultural and Intellectual Identity before and after the Enlightenment. Roger was the Keynote Speaker.

"The Only True Conservationist is a Conservative" The Coleridge Lectures, Bristol Festival of Ideas (Mar 15)

Who is thy neighbour?

Roger argues that the only true conservationist and environmentalist is a Conservative. Conservatism is far better suited to tackle environmental problems than either liberalism or socialism; rather than entrusting the environment to unwieldy NGOs and international committees, we must all assume personal responsibility and foster local sovereignty.


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