15th Jan until 5th March

12 noon, Course of lectures on Aesthetics, the Aula, Blackfriars Hall Oxford.

Eight lectures in all. The topics are:

1. The idea of beauty.                                     5. The nature of expression.

2. The idea of the aesthetic.                           6. Form and content.

3. The concept of art.                                     7. Art and morality.

4. The nature of representation.                     8. Judgment and criticism.

2pm Graduate Seminar, held in Beaumont Street, Faculty of Philosophy, Oxford.

21st Feb - Talk to students, the Politics Society, Peterhouse College, Cambridge

25th Feb - Talk to students, the Cerebus Society, Balliol College Oxford

11th – April 25th March - Visiting Professor, University of St Andrews

Two lectures per week, Mondays and Thursdays.

3rd April - Groningen Institute of Philosophy (GRIPH), University of Groningen, Utrecht, Holland. 3rd Annual Lecture

4th May - Keynote address The Culture Wars and Why They Matter

Annual Civitas Conference, Vancouver, British Colombia, Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre

5th May- Public Talk on Beauty organized by Redeemer Pacific College

Downtown Vancouver, tickets will be available to purchase.

7th May - Bigham Young University, Salt Lake City

'Scientism and Culture' Wheatley Institution, Vancouver.

5th – 8th July - Prague, Czech Republic

9th – 12th July - Brno, Czech Republic

15th – 17th Sept - Forum 2000 Prague

14th, 15th & 17th Oct - Charles E. Test, M.D. Distinguished Lecture Series, Princeton University


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